FTC 22327: CSP EclipticEcliptic 22327, started originally as Ecliptic 16934, prides itself on being an all-girls FTC team committed to providing an inclusive environment to spread STEM throughout the female community. Being in an all-girls environment gives young females the opportunity to have hands-on leadership experience that they may not have otherwise. Since 2019, 36 girls have been members of this team. The majority of them became a part of our FRC team, and 100% of those who graduated from the program have gone on to pursue careers in a STEM field.
FTC 16585: CSP AstrobotsFTC 16585, CSP Astrobots, started in 2019 as a co-ed FTC Team dedicated to providing high-school students an opportunity to have hands-on roles in the engineering field. Since 2019, the Astrobots have qualified for State twice, been the 3rd best scoring robot in the district, and trained many team members to become an integral part of their parent team, FRC 4188. Astrobots also strives to participate in 4188's initiatives to better the community around it, helping mentor many FTC and FLL teams across the district.
FTC 22328: CSP Space DevilsFounded in 2019 as FTC 17173, the CSP Space Devils team is a program designed to provide high school students the opportunity to have hands-on experience in the engineering field with a lesser time commitment than FRC. In 2019, CSP Space Devils qualified for State with their well-built robot. However, due to a lack of people, FTC 17173 was forced to disband in 2020. In 2022, the influx of new members allowed us to once again have 3 FTC teams.
Meet Our Team Captains
These captains have all gone through an FTC experience of their own. Now they guide their teams through the design, build, and program processes.
MAIA PFTC 22327 |
KADEN SFTC 16585 |